Registration info > Payment

Paiement information


Registration will be valid after paiement of the registration fees:

- Early bird registration fees (before 31/07/2024): 170€

- Late bird registration fees (after 31/07/2024): 250€

 Registration fees include tea breaks, three lunches and the social event. 

Once you have registered to the conference on the present website, you need to register through "Azur-Colloque" using one of these two links :

Important : You need to register using an institutional email address (Gmail addresses will NOT work properly !)

On these pages, you should select whether you will pay by credit card (case a below) or you need an invoice to the name of your institution (case b).

Case a : If you have selected the option by credit card, you will be sent the details to proceed to payment. If you have not received an email within a few minutes, please contact us rapidly (

Case b : If you want your institution to pay, you will have to fill in its address along with the contact of the person who will issue the payment. A pre-invoice ("pré bon de commande") will be sent automatically which will allow your institution to issue the payment. Please also check that you or the finance contact gets the invoice: contact us quickly if you feel it might have failed (  



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