Main information

The next biennial conference of the National Program "Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium" (PCMI) will take place in Bordeaux, from October 28 to 31, 2024.

The PCMI National Program is a CNRS/INSU project-based program also supported by CNRS Physique, CNRS Chimie, CNES and CEA ( It animates research between physicists, chemists and astrophysicists to progress in the understanding of the interstellar and circumstellar environments of our galaxy and other galaxies.

Three major questions motivate the program:

  • (1) the formation of large interstellar structures and their link to star and planet formation,
  • (2) the role of the interstellar medium in the evolution of our galaxy and nearby and distant galaxies, and
  • (3) the role of the cycling of matter between phases in the growth of molecular complexity

The conference will be held in person in Bordeaux, a non interactive webcast of the event will be proposed on a best effort basis. To be inclusive with non-french speakers, the presentations will be in english.

Call for contributions

The call for oral contributions is now closed.

Submission for poster contribution is opened until September 15th 2024. Participants will be able to install their posters at the beginning of the conference and poster sessions will be organized at each break.

Abstract submission (-poster) can be done through the appropriate menu. Note that registration is separated from the abstract submission. Participants have to do both.

Social Event

Wednesday evening: dinner cruise on the Garonne River (2h)


Registration and fees

Registration to the conference is done here. Paiement is done here.  Registration will be valid after paiement of the registration fees:

- Early bird registration fees (before 31/07/2024): 170€

- Late bird registration fees (after 31/07/2024): 250€

Registration fees include tea breaks, three lunches and the social event. 




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